Annual Report 2024

Dear Friends of the Pantheon Foundation,

The Pagan Future Fund broke the $10,000 mark this July, relying on $4000 of contributions in the past two years from loyal donors and interest from our socially responsible investments. The current balance is $10,227.74. Now the funds are in the hand of a manager whose fiduciary responsibility is to make the fund grow. It is exciting to look ahead to where we will be in a few years!

Each and all of you, and any other person of good intent, wishing to contribute to this Pagan Future Fund is invited to do so, and as the Foundation is still a religious 501c3 nonprofit, with all of its paperwork up to date, all donations are tax deductible. The funds are invested in a Calvert socially responsible fund, one of the oldest and most reliable ethical investment vehicles, putting it to good use while earning interest which will add to its value. Now that investment has been turned from an automatic commercial product to one directly managed. This will improve the return on our investment. The Board of the Foundation will continue administering the Fund for now. As other people contribute, they will get a proportionate voice. As time goes on, our organization will mature, responding to the needs of the participants for foci or governance. 

We have hope. We have hope in a Pagan future, where we can use our collective strength to support and enrich our spiritual community. Unfortunately that is not today, so we will plan for tomorrow. To what end? Why should we do this? We’ll let this money add to itself for a decade, while those who would nurture this future contribute to it. After that decade, the Board, or whatever successor governance holds jurisdiction, will decide if it is time to use the Fund, in part or in whole, and for what purpose. The Board or its successor will be responsible for the proper and effective use of the Funds for the mission of the Foundation, to the benefit of the Pagan community. 

Please donate to the Pagan Future Fund!

With my best wishes,

Sam Webster and the Board of Directors
Pantheon Foundation

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