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December 2014
Yule with San Francisco Pagan Society
Welcome brothers and sisters of the path. We will meet up here for Yule. Our altar will be green and red candles, a pine cone, and a picture of Elda Nissa; who is the Scandinavian Father Christmas.
Find out more »Pan’s Garden Yule Ritual
A Traditional English Fireside Story Telling Motif!
Find out more »A Cup of Tea with Spirit
We will sip tea, and eat tasty treats as we connect and receive messages from Spirit and the Ancestors to guide us in our daily lives. We will Journey, Chant and Listen within, and be Inspired. A relaxing afternoon gift to yourself and others.
Find out more »Open Shamanic Journey Circle
Come join us in creating the magic! Experience the joy of traveling through the portals into the other worlds! Feel the power and healing of drumming in community!
Find out more »Dream Institute Solstice Celebration
An open invitation to the wider Dream Institute community to come and enjoy food and drink and good company in the candlelit beauty of our historic landmark.
Find out more »Solstice Symposium and Pagan Party
Special event at our beer garden on December 21! Celebrate the REAL new year in a relaxed garden atmosphere with music and cosmic commentary.
Find out more »Vicki’s Yule Sing: Pagan songs of Dark and Light
Join Vicki Solomon of the Turning Earth Singers to sing in the Solstice.
Find out more »Seven Sisters Solstice Ceremony: Group Trance-Formational Journey From Darkness Into Light
In this sacred group experience at the dark time of year, we collectively honor what ails us personally and globally, and experience healing and illumination as we move into the seeding of the light.
Find out more »Ducklings Lunch Bunch
Ducklings Lunch Bunch is a group of Pagans and friends who meet for lunch and chat every Tuesday at about 12:30PM. Newcomers are welcome. We'll be in the back room.
Find out more »Goddess of the Month
Each month we will learn about and dive into the energy of a different Goddess from around the world. Our hope that is by meeting these different energies you will find one that resonates with your heart and you will walk away with the potential for a greater relationship with a Divine One.
Find out more »