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September 2014
Deep Dreaming: Finding Interconnection through Shared Dreaming
Deep Dreaming is an innovative process that lets us peer below the visible surface of life into its implicate depths. Join us in discovering how emergent dream themes connect with the world we live in and its challenges.
Find out more »Lover Earth Playshop: From The Sensual To The Spiritual
We’ve heard of Mother Earth. How about LOVER EARTH? GET DIRTY! GET MOSSY! GET WILD! By the creekside in the redwood forest of Marin, using play, meditation, and hands-on activities, we’ll venture forth individually, in pairs, and in our group to feel textures, inhale the scents, hear the melodies, savor the nom noms, and internally and externally explore the uninhibited ways of our ever-present Lover.
Find out more »Sharing our Personal Stories
This month, instead of a class or lecture or workshop, we will share our stories. Let's hear each other's tales of how we came here - and perhaps a few adventures along the path - and share the insights we have discovered.
Find out more »astrobarry’s Astrology Salon
Join a lively astrology discussion led by astrobarry in this informal interactive group experience. Topics covered in each Astrology Salon will vary, based on who attends and what's going on in the sky. The Salon is intended to provide burgeoning astrologers with a chance to practice their chart interpretation skills in a safe, fun environment.
Find out more »Community Seed’s Fall Equinox Picnic
Let’s all get together and have an old-fashioned picnic. In the Redwoods. And let’s do it right near the Fall Equinox: September 20th.
Find out more »Pagan Women’s Brunch
Come meet with other Pagan Women in an open social environment at brunch.
Find out more »Mabon Feast at Annwfn
Please come and join us for a Mabon gathering and feast, Saturday, September 20. Mabon is our time for thanksgiving, though we thank the Lord and Lady, daily, and we have a HUGE amount to be thankful for.
Find out more »A Cup of Tea with Spirit
We will sip tea, and eat tasty treats as we connect and receive messages from Spirit and the Ancestors to guide us in our daily lives. We will Journey, Chant and Listen within, and be Inspired. A relaxing afternoon gift to yourself and others.
Find out more »Solar Cross Devotional
Solar Cross Monthly Devotionals are inclusive, family-friendly gatherings that embrace diversity in the Pagan community and beyond. Devotionals vary from month to month, are dedicated to deities from a variety of traditions, and are led by Solar Cross clergy and guests.
Find out more »Pan’s Garden Mabon Ritual
Pan’s Garden is a restarted successful ritual group that is a combination of Wicca, Druidism and Asatru. It is democratically run and is currently co-spearheaded by Shannon Marquardt and Liz Lee. This event is intended to be welcoming to the entire Pagan community.
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