Casa de Fruta Renaissance Faire

Our little village of Willingtown comes to life as our annual Market Faire welcomes talented and exotic performers from throughout the globe to our streets and stages.

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Day in the Life 1901 with the Hyde Street Living History Players

Step into the past as you board our historic ships. Help the sailors on Balclutha raise the staysail in the morning and return for musical fun during the afternoon dogwatch. Learn about life in 1901 from the ferry passengers on Eureka, or join Mrs. Galan on the Ark houseboat for an afternoon tea to discuss issues of the day.

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Garin Apple Festival

Celebrate our farming and pioneer past during this year’s Apple Festival! Garin Regional Park in Hayward is home to an antique apple orchard with varieties of the fruit you won’t find anywhere else. Hand-crank ice cream or press apple cider and then taste the ‘fruit’ of your labor. Music, dancing, crafts, and old-fashioned games make this event fun for the whole family!

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