Dia de los Muertos Berkeley

Celebrate and remember those who have passed on at a time of year when the veil between the living and dead is thought to be at its most diaphanous.

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Dia de los Muertos San Francisco

In San Francisco, Day of the Dead has been celebrated in the Mission district since the early 70s with art, music, performances and a walking procession, which help us contemplate our existence and mortality – a moment to remember deceased friends and family, and our connections beyond our immediate concerns.

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Martinez Day of the Dead

Celebrating the Mexican tradition of honoring the ancestors. Bring photos, flowers and mementos of loved ones to place on altars. Dress in traditional Dia de los Muertos skeleton motif. Traditional skull face painting. All ages welcome.

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Institute of Urban Homesteading Day of the Dead

Dover Park Mandala, Altars, Kid’s Activities, Procession, and a meal.

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Barry and Maya Spector’s Day of the Dead Ritual

We will take a full day to help each other remember our ancestors and our personal and collective losses. This will be a day of mourning and remembrance, but also of great beauty and celebration. There will be poetry, storytelling, drumming, altar-building and chanting from African, Celtic, Mexican and other traditions.”

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Community Celebration for the Days of the Dead

Join us as OMCA marks two decades of the annual Days of the Dead Community Celebration. Craft activities, tasty food, dance and music groups, colorful ofrendas, and ceremonia bring the community together for this healing tradition.

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