CAYA Coven’s Poison Moon

The magical workings of this evening will extract the venom from one’s life (the harsh voices in one’s mind, toxic people, one’s relationship with money, etc) and convert such poisons to an energetic anti-venom that may serve as an ally and/or as a magical homeopathic remedy.

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Women’s Grateful Moon

The Hearth Witch Homestead, a devotional group of Priestesses within CAYA Coven, are proud to bring a ritual to honor Hestia, goddess of the hearth, and to remind ourselves of all for which we are grateful. We will also be collecting food to be blessed by the goddess and then taken to the Alameda County Food Bank, and we ask that each woman bring at least one can of food to the ritual.

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Men’s Grateful Moon

The Green Men, CAYA Coven’s High Priesthood tradition, welcome all self-identified men to join them in a ritual to celebrate the joys of gratitude and to honor the changing season around us with the Slavic Deity Volos. As part of CAYA Coven’s annual Food Drive, we will be collecting food to be blessed by the god which will be taken to the Alameda County Food Bank. We ask that each person attending bring at least one can of food to the ritual.

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