Garden Fresh Luncheon at Gamble Garden

Garden Fresh Luncheons are the perfect setting for your next birthday celebration, ladies lunch, lunch date, or book group. Luncheons are followed by a complimentary docent led tour through the garden at 1:30PM. A non-profit horticultural foundation in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco, Gamble Garden’s two and a half acre property includes formal and demonstration gardens, as well as an historic house, carriage house, and tea house.

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Amazon Watch’s 2014 Annual Luncheon

Enjoy our popular, inspiring mid-day celebration of the Amazon and hear directly from our indigenous partners. Recognize our victories as well as the upcoming challenges we face together as a community. You’ll have the chance to meet Amazon Watch staff, engage with some of our indigenous partners from the Amazon, and connect with others committed to the protection of our planet and the rights of indigenous peoples.

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Garden Fresh Luncheon at Gamble Garden

Garden Fresh Luncheons are the perfect setting for your next birthday celebration, ladies lunch, lunch date, or book group. Luncheons are followed by a complimentary docent led tour through the garden at 1:30PM. A non-profit horticultural foundation in Palo Alto, south of San Francisco, Gamble Garden’s two and a half acre property includes formal and demonstration gardens, as well as an historic house, carriage house, and tea house.

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