Mysteries of Samhain 2014: Eurydice and Orpheus a Wild Requiem

Share in four days of Reclaiming style, Earth-based spirituality, magic, and community! Bay Area Reclaiming ritual planners invite you to join us in the redwoods at Mendocino Woodlands as we weave a web that crosses the generations.

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Lover Earth Playshop: From The Sensual To The Spiritual

We’ve heard of Mother Earth. How about LOVER EARTH? GET DIRTY! GET MOSSY! GET WILD! By the creekside in the redwood forest of Marin, using play, meditation, and hands-on activities, we’ll venture forth individually, in pairs, and in our group to feel textures, inhale the scents, hear the melodies, savor the nom noms, and internally and externally explore the uninhibited ways of our ever-present Lover.

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